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Single Kedua Ariel

Senin, 14 Juni 2010

Indonesia di hebohkan dengan Adanya Video ke dua pasangan Ariel dan Cut Tari..

Setelah dihebohkan dengan kasus video seks mirip Ariel dan Luna Maya, dunia maya kembali digemparkan dengan video seks mirip Cut Tari dan Ariel. Dalam video itu, keduanya terlihat sedang bermesraan di atas ranjang.

Video ini memperlihatkan pasangan yang mirip Ariel dan Cut Tari sedang berada di sebuah kamar. Sang wanita yang mirip presenter Cut Tari menggunakan pakaian dress berwarna hijau dengan tank top hitam tengkurap dia atas kasur yang dihiasi dengan sprei putih.

Kemudian, si perempuan membuka dressnya dan tinggal mengenakan tank top berwarna hitam tersebut. Selang beberapa saat, si wanita terlihat bermesraan dengan pria yang mirip dengan Ariel.

Video ini durasinya lebih panjang dari video seks mirip Ariel dan Luna. Durasi video tersebut sekitar 8 menit lebih. Wanita yang mirip dengan Tari itu terlihat banyak menebar senyum dalam video tersebut.

Si wanita itu juga terlihat menggunakan cincin di jari manis sebelah tangan kiri. Sementara sang pria, tampak mengenakan jam tangan hitam di tangan kirinya.

Baik Ariel maupun Cut Tari belum memberikan komentar atas gosip miring yang menerpa artis dan presenter tersebut.
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Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

Gudeg is a traditional food from Central Java and Yogyakarta, Indonesia which is made from young Nangka (jack fruit) boiled for several hours with palm sugar, andcoconut milk. Additional spices include garlic, shallot, candlenut, coriander seed, galangal, bay leaves, and teak leaves, the latter giving a brown color to the dish. It is also called Green Jack Fruit Sweet Stew. Gudeg is served with white rice, chicken, hard-boiled egg, tofu and/or tempeh, and a stew made of crispy beef skins (sambal goreng krecek).

There are three types of gudeg; dry, wet and East-Javanese style. Dry gudeg has only a bit of coconut milk and thus has little sauce. Wet gudeg includes more coconut milk. The East-Javanese style gudeg employs a spicier and hotter taste, compared to the Yogyakarta-style gudeg, which is sweeter.

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Create a New Blogger

Senin, 10 Mei 2010
Perhaps there is among you-you who do not know about blogs and wondering about the blog, then I'll review a little about my own version of the blog.

1. What is a Blog?
Blogs (short for Web log) is a site more personal nature, ie more weight to the depiction of the creator of the blog itself.

Blog created by designers blog providers that work automatically and easy to operate, so for us-we who are still confused with the programming language to create a website not be a problem. If you are able to create an email account on the internet, then in any blog I am sure you can.

2. How to create a blog

Like e-mail, even in a blog we must first have an account, so please register yourself first at the free blog providers (hosting provider / blog domain for free). Free blog provider is very much there on the internet and some of the most popular today is, and

In the opportunity this time I'll review about how making blog at, Please click the image below to enroll.

Once you are on the site, you'll see a picture like the picture above. Please do the following steps:

  1. Click the arrows labeled "CREATE YOUR BLOG"
  2. Fill in the email address with your email address (certainly valid)
  3. Enter your email address was returned to the form Retype email address
  4. Write the password you want on a form Put a password
  5. Enter your password again in the form Keyik had reset the password (the password)
  6. Fill Display Name with the name you wish to view
  7. Write a print on the Keyword Verification form. Tick tick / check in the box at the edge of the paper and I accept the Terms of Service.
  8. Click on the images of arrows labeled "CONTINUE"
  9. Write the title of the blog you want (will be on fox again) on the form Title Blog
  10. Write the name of your site in the form Blog Address (URL)
  11. Write the text displayed on the verification Verification form words, when done click the arrow that says "CONTINUE".
  12. Choose the images (templates) you want (will be on fox again), then click on the image of arrows labeled "CONTINUE"
  13. After leaving the words "Your blog has been in iptakan". Click on the arrow marked "START POST". Please you write at your convenience, when done click the "MEMPUBLISKAN POST".

3. Content (Content) blog:

For the beginners, they usually bewildered after making a list of what to blog content (posted) in a blog. Content (content) from a blog, of course it is up kepadasi blog owners themselves, whether to take the contents of the poem, the journey of life, engineering, or whatever. Well here I suggest, fill your blog with an interest or hobby and your own expertise, because of course in a lot of people out there who would equal his interest and hobby with you, so they will be interested to read the writings of you.

(To Be Continued)
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